The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1
General Index

Entries for species of the genera Sarotherodon and Tilapia are included in the Species
Index, and the more important entries for named water bodies are included in the Water
Bodies Index.

Acclimation, to temperature 121
Adaptation, to open water conditions in
L. Malawi 98
Adult period, defined 64
Aeromonas hydrophila, cause of septi-
caemias 255
Aeromonas salmonicida, may be a
significant pathogen in culture 255-6
Aflatoxicosis 258
Aflatoxins, produced by mould Asper-
gillus flauus 258
Africa, ecological effects of introduc-
tions and transfers 55-7
introductions and transfers 24
Africa (noncontinental), introductions
Age at first maturity, and aquaculture 78
factors affecting 339-40
possibility of genetic determination
S. esculentus 336
S. mossambicus in L. Sibaya 76
and stunting 78
Aggression, and aquaculture 50
and intensive culture 49
techniques to rkduce discussed 306
techniques to reduce in fingerling
production 283
and territoriality 49
Agriculture, integrated with aquaculture
Aims of Conference 1
Alabama (U.S.A.), all-male hybrid culture
experiments 296
extensive cage culture experiments
with S. aureus 219
intensive cage culture 231
Alevins, behavior 48

development characteristics 48
feeding habits 42
schooling of mouthbrooders 54
Algae, blue-green eaten by various
species 4 1
epilithic 4 1
in diet 144
freshwater species used in semi-
intensive cage culture 221-2
and fouling in cage culture discussed
24 5
toxic effects 257
Alkalinity, and distribution 40, 100
and fish kills in soda lakes 109
All-female broods, produced by
hormone treatment 311-12
All-male culture 191-7
nursing of fingerlings 191-3
overwintering stocking densities 192
and polyculture 193
stocking densities 195
yields 195
All-male hybrids 279-307
catchability 298
commercial culture limited 280
culture can be very profitable 302
culture not recommended for the
majority 302
culture should be introduced with
care 304
difficulties in commercial produc-
tion 282
effect of different feeds on growth
and production 291-6
experiments with various feedstuffs
fingerling production 282-90
fingerling production a major
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