The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

need for work on reproductive hor-
mones discussed 140
number of tilapia species involved 185
pelleted rations and growth forecasts
pond culture 185-203
problems of food and efficiency dis-
cussed 178
problems with movement of stock
across national boundaries
problems reviewed 181-3
problems with supersaturation of
gases 41 \
prolific spawning of tilapias as a
problem 186
species used 334
and stunting 78-80
suitability of tilapias 156-7
and temperature limitations 120-1
T. rendalli in Shaba and Yangarnbi 50
T. zillii too aggressive 50
tilapias ideally suited 156-7
young-of-the-year culture 187-91
see also Cage culture, Fish culture,
Pond culture
Aquarium trade, a future for S. alcalicus
grahami 334
Arenas, used by mouthbrooders 47
Argulus sp., behavior in cages discussed
a serious pathogen 253
Artificial environments, for fingerlings in
the production of all-male hybrids
Artificial fertilization, and Tilapia x
Sarotherodon hybrids discussed 12
Artisanal feeds, composition 225-6
cost 225-6
listed 226
Asia, introductions 28-30
Asia, S.E., introductions 30-31
Aspergillus flaws, and aflatoxins 258
Assimilation 150-51
and acid secretion discussed 177
efficiencies discussed 180
efficiency for blue-green algae and
diatoms high 151-2
efficiency for green algae and
macrophytes low 151-2
efficiency summarized for 4 species
of tilapia 152
studies with S. mossambicus 154-5

Auburn strain, of S. aureus 258-9
Aufwuchs (algal carpets) in L. Barombi
Mbo 100
as food in cage culture 212
food for S. lohbergeri 100
food for T. busumana 99
Autoallergic properties of mucus 313
Autosomal theory, discussed 276-7
and sex determination in Sarothero-
don 275-6
Average monthly production, in cage
culture 219

Babacu cake, a feed in all-male hybrid
production 292
Backcrossing, to be avoided in all-male
hybrid production 285
Bacteria, in diet 145
and disease in tilapias 254-6
pathogens in cage culture 239
Balanced energy equation; for T. rendalli
Bangladesh, introductions 28-9
Barbus callensis, in hot springs 34
Bay of Suez, hypersaline habitat 38
T. zillii 38
Bearers, short for mouthbrooding
external bearers 66
life history compared with guarders
see also Mouthbrooders
Bearing, an advanced precocial life
style 69
Behavior, of alevins of mouthbrooders
of mouthbrooders 6
and oxygen tolerance 40
when spawning 46-7
of tilapias in natural communities
see also Breeding behavior, Feeding
behavior, Home range, Homing,
Schooling, Reproductive behav-
ior, Spawning behavior
Behavioral factor, and number of S. nilo-
ticus spawning 299
Belgium, intensive cage culture 233, 235
introductions 29, 31
Benthic animals, eaten by many Saro-
therodon 41
Benthic sediments, eaten by S. variabilis
4 1
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