The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

in L. Malawi flock species 98
of mouthbrooders and substrate
spawners 70
and parental care patterns
S. andersonii 94
S. aureus 324
S. leucostictus 90-1
S. macrochir 94
S. niloticus 319, 321-2, 324
S. vulcani 319-320
Feed, formulation 344-5
in intensive cage culture 223-6
presentation in intensive cage culture
storage problems and aflatoxins 258
Feed conversion ratio, in all-male hybrid
production 291-5, 297
for aquatic macrophytes in semi-inten-
sive cage culture 221-2
for artisanal feeds used in intensive
cage culture 226
factors determining in intensive cage
culture 228-30
and minimum cage size in culture 208
for S. niloticus fry 215
semi-intensive cage culture 221-2
for various feedstuffs 199
Feeders, simple devices have advantages
Feeding 41-3
alevins 42
carbon assimilation 41
daily cycle of T. rendalli in L. Mc-
Ilwaine 166-7
digestion and growth 141-56
diurnal 43
energy costs and temperature 170-1
energy costs in T. rendalli 169-70
experiments with pellets 228-9
and fecundity 318
flexibility discussed 202-3
and guarding young 43
importance of detritus discussed 179
importance of energy cost at high
temperatures 170-1
metabolism and growth 157-80
and mouthbrooding 43
nocturnal 43
omnivores 41
periodicity 43
S. karomo on epiphytic growths 8
seasonal changes and variations 42-3
tilapias show great variability 42
variation within populations 42-3

Feeding behavior 41-3
Feeding efficiency, in intensive cage
culture 230-5
Feeding experiments, laboratory studies
and wild populations 168
Feeding habits, and level of pond
fertility discussed 305
and taxonomy 3-4
Feeding rate, defined 225
Feeding rates, in intensive cage cultue
for monoculture and polyculture
Feeding studies, in L. Bosumtwi 43
in L. George 43
in L. Kinneret 41-3
in Plover Cove Reservoir 42-3
Feeding techniques, in intensive cage
culture 227
Feeds, in all-male hybrid production
consumption of agricultural products
discussed 305
used in culture 198-200
Field studies, relevance for polyculture
and introductions 112-3
vast scale 1
Fiji, introductions 30
Fingerling production, for cage culture
reduced in crosses 298-302
Fingerlings, mass production 215
Fish culture, of all-male hybrids not
recommended for the majority 302
development of hatcheries the key 348
efficient utilization of food 177, 341
importance of natural distribution of
the species 21
and introductions 24
the 'lek' system 11
methods to obtain efficient use of
food 341
monosex culture to control repro-
duction 310-2
and Sarotherodon species 10-11
T. rendalli merits more attention 334
use and abuse of antibiotics 354
warnings to the practical fish farmer 11
see also All-male culture, All-male
hybrids, Aquaculture, Cage
culture, Extensive cage culture,
Hybridization, Intensive cage
culture, Semi-intensive cage
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