The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

Fish culturists, need not use subgeneric
names 7
Fish health, research requireme& 358
Fish lice, 253-4
Fisheries, and introductions 24
Fisheries Officers, should check native
species before importing stock 11
Fishing, and decline in size at maturity 110
Fishmeal, in feeds 226
Fishponds, at Pentecaste, Brazil 284,308
at Yangambi and Yaounde 5
Flexibacter cdumnaris, and tilapia
culture 252.5
Floating cages, successful production of
fry and fingerlings 2134
Floating pelleted feed, intensive cage
culture trids 228-9
Floodplain species, have features of k'
strategists 110
Floods, and seasonal changes in diski-
bution 52-3
used by euryhLlme species for move-
ment a0
Florida, unfavonMe conseqmcrs of
introductitms 57
Food, efficiency of utilization discuqsed
and growth in T. rendalli $674
quality and 151-5
quality and quantity discussed 178
Food cansumpti9n, estimated far S. do-
ticus and T. rendalli 168
and temperatun 1724
T. randalli in L. Kariba 174
Food inlake, less iniluenced by tamper-
ature in the wild 174
Food quality, defined 153
Food presentation, powdered or
pelieted feads 345
Food supply, in relatien to somatic and
gmdd @~rowth 338-9
Freshwater algae, used in semi-intenrive

cage culture 221-2
Fry, effect of metacercariae infections
infect'mn wi%h white spot 248
low production in spawning ponds
mass produdon 215
mass production of hybrkh 317-29
mass production in Israel 325-6
myxobacterial infections 254
production in cages 213-4.

production in earthen ponds 214-5
production, fecundity, and spawning
frequency discussed 328-9
production from interspecific spawn-
ing~ 325
production and parental sex ratios
prophylactic treatment to prevent
spread of diseases 261
survival and hormone treatment 311
Fundamental research, merits increased
and sustained support 353
Fungi, as serious pathogens 256

Gametogenesis, controlled by two pitu-
itary gonadotropins 135
effect of temperature 133
general characteristics described 130-3
and somatic growth 336-40
temporal patterns 1323
Gamma ray irradiation, and control of
reproduction 314
Gas bubble diiase 257
Gel electrophoresis, and development
of serum markers 270
Gelatinous material, and feeding die
CUM 177
Genttic determination of sex 280.2
Genetic markers, for sex and species
identification 269-77
Genetic stnins, problpm with the
selection of pure strains 282
Genetics, march requirements 355
Geothermal water, and introduction of
tilapias 25
S. aureus, S. mossambicus and T.
ziUii 29-31
Germany, introductions 30
Gill-raker counts, in various tilapias
Gill surface area, oxygen demand cad
growth 338
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase,
studied in tiilapias 273-4
Gonad development, inhibited by
prolactin? 136
Gonadotropins, and control of repro-
ductive activity 135
from S. mossambicus 135
Gonads, and control of reproductive
activity 137-8
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