The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

Session 1: Biology

Chairman's Overview. R. H. LOWE-MCCONNELL ..................^1

Tilapias: Taxonomy and Speciation. E. TREWAVAS ................ 3

Ecology and Distribution of Tilapias. J-CL. PHILIPPART
AND J-CL.RUWET ..................................... 15

Life Histories of Tilapias: An Evolutionary Perspective. D.L.G. NOAKES
AND E.K.BALoN ....................................... 61

Tilapias in Fish Communities. R.H. LOWE-MCC~NNELL .............^83

Session 2: Physiology

Chairman's Overview. D.J.W. MORIARTY ....................... 115

Environmental Physiology of Tilapias. 6. CHERVINSKI. ..............^119

Reproductive Physiology in Cichlid Fishes, with Reference
to Tilapia and Samthemdon. B. JALABERT AND Y. ZOHAB ...... 129

L '/~eedin~, Digestion and Growth-Qualitative Conside
S.H.BOWEN ...............................&.**...... 141

Feeding, Metabolism and Growth of Tilapias: Some Quantitative
Considerations. MS. CAULTON ........................... 157

Session 3: Culture

Chairman's Overview. H.F. HENDERSON ........................ 181

Tilapia Culture in Ponds under Controlled Conditions. B. HEPWER AND
Y.PRUGININ.... ...................................... 185
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