The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1
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Maturation size (cm)

Figure 2. The relationship between weight for length ('condition') and maturation size of
S. niloticus populations in various East African waters (after Lowe (McConnell) 1958).
Mean weight of 20 cm TL fish plotted against maturation size of population for fish from
Lake Turkana (R), Lake Albert (A), Lake George (G), Lake Edward (E), Lake Katinda (D),
Lake Chanagwora (C), Lake Kijanebalola (K), Tonya lagoon of Lake Albert (T), Buhuku
lagoon of Lake Albert (B). (Calculated means are used for Lakes Turkana, Albert and
Chanagwora as samples from these waters had no 20 cm TL fish).

latitudes this species breeds mainly in the rainy season.

  1. The dwarfed S. niloticus from shallow waters were often heavily
    parasitized, those from the large lakes relatively free of parasites.

  2. Some hybridization had occurred between S. niloticus and S. spilurus
    niger both stocked in Lake Bunyoni, and possibly between S. niloticus
    and S. esculentus both stocked in an Ankole crater lake.

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