(Sean Pound) #1
Table 36

*Ts: Teachers; Ss: Scholars

ceremonies of his religion, nor is it thought at all essential that
he should understand what little he does read. Hence it happens
that this class of people are often very deficient in their

  1. Of the total number of 279 teachers mentioned above 69
    possess allowances in land and 13 in money both the one and
    the other being granted by former Zemindars. 196 individuals
    teach their scholars without fee or reward and 1 person is
    supported by his scholars.

  2. In those villages under my immediate management
    where there are no schools, I have found the inhabitants very
    willing to have such established among them, but some
    assistance from government will be necessary to set things
    agoing, say monthly allowance of 2 rupees to each teacher, the
    scholars to make up the remainder. I shall be prepared to
    address your Board more fully upon the subject should this
    proposal meet your approval.

Zillah Rajamundry, F.W. Robertson,
Mugaluteer, 19th Sept. 1823. Collector.

(Statements on following pages)
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