(Sean Pound) #1

Translation of memorandum received from the Zamorin Rajah:
B. In the beginning the Bramins of Malabar used to be
instructed in Religion at the Chetroms (or Temples) nearest to
their houses by the teachers of that time, but it was
apprehended that learning after that manner would not be
attended with advantage. A consultation was therefore held by
the Bramins, when it was determined that a College should be
instituted for the purposes of instructing all persons in the
principles of Religion. A spot of ground (adjacent to the river) to
the southward of Teroonavya Chetrom in Terooina: nisherynad
Hobby, Cootnad Talook, was fixed upon for the proposed
building and all of them waited on and reported the
circumstance to our ancestor the then reigning Rajah who
caused a College to be built at his expense on the spot pointed
out by them, and ordered that all persons residing in it should
be furnished with their daily meal and oil, and further, ordered a
store house to be built and the appointment of a person to be
incharge of the same—the Bramins accordingly, (agreeable to the
respective means of each) allotted for this purpose a certain
portion of rice lands, and Achipora Erkara Namboory was by
general consent, chosen Instructor in the college for whose
subsistence some further rice lands were given by the Bramins
and from that time the members of that family continue holding
the above employment. This is what I have heard my ancestors
and the Bramins say. There is no document containing an
account of the foregoing transaction. The number of persons to
be admitted in the college is not limited; everybody desirous of
availing himself of it will be admitted and provided for. Formerly,
the number of persons who resorted to the college for instruction
amounted from 100 to 120 daily. In the year 949 when a
foreigner invaded the country, he caused several temples and
dwellings to be destroyed and the above college was demolished
on that occasion and the rice lands allotted for the support of it,
assessed by his order in consequence of which the Bramins
found it impossible to live in this country and therefore all of
them repaired to Rama Rajah’s country (Travancore) and
consequently the learning of the Vethom was altogether
discontinued in Malabar. It being a very great sin for the
Bramins to be ignorant of their religious tenets, they and the
Namboory who was appointed their Instructor went and
represented to Rama Rajah this circumstance when that Rajah
ordered a college to be established in his country adjoining to
the Teroona Kare Chetrom, and allotted the necessary allowance
for the subsistence of the learners, who there continued being
instructed without any interruption till the year 966. When the

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