(Sean Pound) #1

which has been got together on this subject, it appears that
there are 171 places where Theology, Law and Astronomy, etc.,
are taught privately, and the number of disciples in them is 939.
The readers of these sciences cannot generally get teachers in
their respective villages and are therefore obliged to go to others.
In which cases if the reader belongs to a family that can afford to
support him he gets what is required for his expenses from his
home and which is estimated at 3 rupees per month, but which
is only sufficient to supply him with his victuals; and if on the
other hand his family is in too indigent circumstances to make
such allowance, the student procures his daily subsistence from
the houses in the village, where taught, which willingly furnish
such by turns.

  1. Should people be desirous of studying deeper in
    Theology, etc., than is taught in these parts, they travel to
    Benares, Navadweepum, etc., where they remain for years to
    take instructions under the learned Pundits of those places.

Guntoor Zillah, J.C. Whish,
Bauputtah, 9th July, 1823. Collector.

(Statement on following page)
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