(Sean Pound) #1

estimated at 1,100 rupees. The scholars are usually kept at
school about 5 years. Of the colleges in number 109 there are 99
in which instruction is given free of charge, of these 71 are
supported by the Rajah in the town of Tanjore and villages
belonging to his Highness; in 16 the masters teach gratuitously,
1 only is endowed with a maunium, 7 are supported by a
Pagoda, 3 by private donations and 1 by village contribution. In
the remaining 10 colleges the masters are paid by their scholars.
These colleges are for Bramins only. The Hindoo Sciences are
taught in them. The population of those villages only in which
there are schools is shown in this statement, not the general
population of the district.


There are no schools or colleges in this district for the
support of which any public funds are appropriated and no
institution for teaching Astronomy, Theology or any other
Sciences. In the talook of Jyalore alone there are 7 schools which
were formerly endowed by the Native Government with between
46 and 47 Cawnies of land for the maintenance of the teachers.
The scholars generally continue at school from the age of 7 to

  1. The average yearly expense of education is about 7 pagodas.


It does not appear that any mauniam lands in this district
are assigned for the support of schools. The teachers are paid by
the poorer class of people from ½ fanam to 1 fanam for each
scholar monthly and from 2 to 3 and 5 fanams by those in better
circumstances—a teacher receives in this manner from 30 to 60
Cully fanams or from 2 to 3¾ pagodas a month in large villages
and from 10 to 30 fanams in small villages. Scholars usually
enter school at the age of 5 and leave it at from 12 to 15. There
are no colleges in this district. In Agraharam villages a small
portion of maunium land is usually allotted to those Bramins
who study the Vedas and they gratuitously instruct such pupils
as come to them.


There appear to be no colleges in Tinnevelly.


The schools in this district appear to be supported entirely
by the people who send their children to them for instruction.

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