(Sean Pound) #1

The annual payment for each scholar varies from 14 rupees to 3
rupees per annum, according to the circumstances of the
parents. The masters besides their regular stipends occasionally
receive presents from the parents of their pupils; they have also
small fees on particular occasions. The earliest age at which
boys attend school is 5 years; they continue there until they are
13 or 14. Those who study Theology, Law, etc., enter the colleges
at about 15 and continue to frequent them until they have
attained a competent knowledge of the Sciences or until they
obtain employment, a statement is given of mauniums, etc.,
granted in former times for the support of colleges, but now
resumed to the value of Rs. 2,208-7-.


No statement.


In Malabar there is only one regular college for instruction
in the Sciences, but these are taught privately. The private
teachers are not paid a fixed stipend but presents are made to
them by their pupils when their education is completed. The
school masters receive monthly from each scholar from ¼ rupee
to 4 rupees independent of some remuneration when the scholar
leaves school. The only college which exists in this district was
established and is now supported by the Zamorin Rajah who
allows about 2,000 rupees annually for the maintenance of the
pupils and 200 rupees to the Instructor; some land also
appertains to it—a history of this college, furnished by the
Zamorin Rajah is submitted.


It is stated that there are no traces on records of
endowments in lands towards the support of colleges and
schools on the island of Seringapatam, having been granted by
any former government or private individual. The teachers in the
schools are supported by their scholars. The average monthly
charge for each scholar is 5 annas and the average annual
income of the masters from this source is about 57 rupees.


In this statement two descriptions of schools are included,
native schools for the education of Hindoo and Mussulman
children respectively, and charity schools in which the scholars

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