(Sean Pound) #1

the purposes which they have stated; namely, for the payment of
the interest of money employed in building, and the salaries of
teachers, 500; and for the expenses of the press, 200. I would
next propose that government should establish, in each
Collectorate, two principal schools, one for Hindoos and the
other for Mahomedans; and that hereafter, as teachers can be
found the Hindoo schools might be augmented so as to give one
to each tehsildary, or about 15 to each Collectorate. We ought to
extend to our Mahomedan the same advantages of education as
to our Hindoo subjects, and perhaps even in a greater degree,
because a greater proportion of them belong to the middle and
higher classes. But as their number is not more than one-
twentieth of that of the Hindoos, it will not be necessary to give
more than one Mahomedan school to each Collectorate, except
in Arcot, and a few other Collectorates, where the Mahomedan
population is considerably above the usual standard.

  1. We have 20 Collectorates; the number of tehsildaries is
    liable to change: but it will be sufficient for the present purpose
    to estimate them at 15 on an average to each Collectorate, or
    300 in all. This would, according to the plan proposed give about
    40 collectorate and 300 tehsildary schools. The monthly salaries
    of the teachers of the collectorate schools might, on an average,
    be 15 rupees to each, and those of the tehsildary nine rupees
    each. These allowances may appear small, but the tehsiladry
    school master who receives nine rupees monthly from
    government, will get at least as much more from his scholars,
    and, considering all circumstances, his situation will probably
    be better than that of a parish school master in Scotland.

  2. The total expense of the schools will be as follows:
    Madras School-Book Society per month Rs. 700
    Collectorate Schools, Mahomedan,
    20 at 15 rupees Rs. 300
    Collectorate Schools, Hindoo, 20 at 15 rupees Rs. 300
    Tehsildary Schools, 300 at 9 rupees Rs. 2,700
    Per month Rs. 4,000
    Per annum Rs.48,000
    This expense will be incurred only be degrees, because it
    will be long before a sufficient number of qualified teachers can
    be obtained. The charges for the Madras School-Book Society

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