(Sean Pound) #1

The subject of the piece seemed to be the embarrassment
of a Raja who was married to two wives. They tormented him
with their quarrels and jealousies. He prayed to the Gods for
relief. His prayers were heard, and he received a charm which
enabled him to put whichever of the ladies he chose asleep. He
was delighted with the remedy and looked forward for nothing in
future but happiness. On a trial however he was disappointed.
The waking wife was as suspicious as ever, and was continually
upbraiding him for his partiality to her rival. He throws them by
turns asleep, but has no relief. Each as she awoke was still
jealous of the other. I have forgotten how it ended, but the
account of this marriage was published in the newspapers of the
time in India, about 1793. I cannot at present lay my hands on
the account of this wedding which afterwards was transferred to
some of the periodical publications at home. The object I think
was to inculcate that one wife was preferable to two.


  1. Bell and Lancaster System.

  2. This is done in our infant schools.

  3. They have small boards of the size and shape of our plates covered
    with sand or chalk.

  4. Letters, Peter Della Valle, p.100.

  5. The Missionary Register for January, 1879.

  6. Ibid.

  7. Evelyn VI, p.277.

  8. Edinburg Review, No.67.

  9. See p.518.

  10. Missionary Register for January 1822.

  11. Ibid..

  12. Lusiad, Book 8, p.300

  13. Pendall

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