(Sean Pound) #1

the philanthropist or the statesman no institution however
humble, will be overlooked, by which he may hope beneficially to
influence the condition of any portion of mankind; and it is just
in proportion to the gross ignorance of the multitude that he will
look with anxiety for any loop-holes by which he may find an
entrance to their understandings—some institutions, which are
held by them in veneration and which have hitherto served the
cause of ignorance, but which he may hope with discretion to
turn to the service of knowledge. I do not despair that means
might be employed, simple, cheap, and inoffensive, by which
even the teachers of these schools might be reared to qualify
themselves for communicating a much higher grade of
instruction to a much greater number of learners without
divesting them of any portion of the respect and attachment of
which they are now the objects.

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