(Sean Pound) #1


Hamilton states that there are not any regular seminaries
in this district for teaching the Mahomedan law, but that there
are two or three schools in each pergunnah for instruction in
Hindoo learning. The district is divided into nineteen
pergunnahs and six tuppas, in all twenty-five local sub-
divisions, which will give from 50 to 60 schools of Hindoo
learning in the district. The scholars are taught gratuitously, it
being deemed disgraceful to receive money for instruction.

Indigenous schools for learning imply the existence of
indigenous elementary schools, but I find no mention of them in
any authority to which I have referred.

The alleged non-existence of Mahomedan schools in a
district in which the proportion of Mahomedans to Hindoos is as
five to two is incredible.

SYLHET: (p.93)

The information respecting the state of education in this
district is exceedingly scanty. Hamilton states that there are no
regular schools and seminaries for teaching the Hindoo or
Mahomedan law, but that in different places there are private
schools where boys are taught to read and write. Of Mymunsing
the reverse was stated, that it had schools of learning, but
nothing was said of elementary schools. It is probable that in
Sylhet the former are to be found as well as the latter, although
neither may be numerous or very efficient.

MOORSHEDABAD: (pp.94-96)

In 1801 there was said to be only one school in the district
for instruction in the Mahomedan law, while there were twenty
for instruction in the Hindoo laws and customs. It seems very
probable that the number both of Hindoo and Mahomedan
schools of learning was then and still is much greater.

In December, 1818, the Collector of Moorshedabad
forwarded to the Board of Revenue the petition of one Kali Kanth
Sarma, praying for the continuance to him of a pension of five
rupees per month, which had been granted to his father, Jaya
Ram Nyaya Panchanan, by the late Maha Rani Bhawani, former
zemindar of Chucklah Rajshahy, for the support of a Hindoo
college at that place. The Collector accompanied the petition by a

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