(Sean Pound) #1

5,Inverness Gardens,W.8.
13th November, 1931
M.K. Gandhi, Esq.
88, Knightsbridge, W.

Dear Mr Gandhi,

I wrote on October 27th in reply to your letter to me of
October 23rd, but have not yet received from you the promised
references to the documents (a Punjab Administration Report
and the articles in ‘Young India’) on which your statement that
literacy had diminished in British India during the last fifty
years was based.

In case my letter of the 27th may have miscarried I enclose
a copy of it, and am sending this to you by registered post.

I am,
Yours sincerely,
Sd/- Philip Hartog
M.K. Gandhi, Esq.
88, Knightsbridge


88, Knightsbridge, S.W.1.
(Post-Mark Nov. 14, 1931)

(To Sir Philip Hartog, London)

Dear Friend,

Mr Gandhi has your letter of the 27th October. He has now
been able to secure the files of ‘Young India’ for 1920 and wants
me to send you the enclosed copies.

Yours sincerely,
Mahadeo Desai.

(see following page)
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