(Sean Pound) #1

Punjab Report would deal with such a subject. If you find
therefore that your reference was made in error, may I suggest
that you should now withdraw your statement in accordance
with the undertaking given in the last paragraph of your letter to
me of October 23rd?
Yours sincerely,
Sd/-Philip Hartog

P.S.: May I ask from what Report Sir Sankaran Nair’s Note of
Dissent referred to in Mr Gupta’s first article, is quoted? No
reference is given in the article itself.
Sd/- P.H.
M.K. Gandhi, Esq,.
88, Knightsbridge, W.


88, Knightsbridge
London, S.W. 1,
November 19, 1931
Sir Philip Hartog, K.B.E.
5 Inverness Gardens, W.8.

Dear Sir Philip,

I am much obliged to you for your letter of the 17th inst.
I do not propose just now to withdraw the statement I
made at the meeting at Chatham House. At the present moment
I have not got any time for searching the records to which you
are making reference. I, however, promise not to forget the
matter, and if I find that I cannot support the statement made by
me at Chatham House, I will give my retraction much wider
publicity than the Chatham House speech could ever attain.
Meanwhile I am endeavouring to find out the references
you want.
Yours sincerely,
Sd/- M.K. Gandhi
Sir Philip Hartog, K.B.E.
5 Inverness Gardens, W.8


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