(Sean Pound) #1
5,Inverness Gardens,W.8.
20 November 1931

Dear Mr Gandhi,

I am much obliged by your letter of yesterday’s date.
I think it might help matters if you could spare me a few
moments of your valuable time; and I should be glad to call on
you if would suggest a day and hour.

I am,
Yours sincerely,
Sd/- Philip Hartog
M.K. Gandhi, Esq,.
88, Knightsbridge, W.


5, Inverness
22nd November 1931

Dear Mrs Naidu,

In accordance with your kind suggestion today I send you
enclosed copies of my letters to Mr Gandhi of 27th October and
17th November. The other letters from me do not contain any
detailed information. Would you kindly return the enclosures at
your convenience?

With kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
Sd/-Philip Hartog
Mrs Sarojini Naidu,
7, Park Place,
St. James’, S.W.I.


Scar Top,
Boars Hill, Oxford.
November 23, 1931

Dear Sir Philip Hartog,

I probably under-rate the indigenous system of Indian
education; at any rate, I have never thought it amounted to
much. My statement is not the usual extravagant claim of the
Nationalist, but a pretty mild one.

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