(Sean Pound) #1

would add, in removing obstacles to good understanding
between the British and the Indian peoples.

With all good wishes,
Believe me,
Yours sincerely,
Sd/- P. Hartog
Mahatma M.K. Gandhi,
The Asram,
C.P., India.

P.S. I had intended sending a copy of my book to Professor K.T.
Shah, but I have been unable to find his present address from
any of the books of reference. Perhaps you would kindly let me
know what has become of him?



2 May 1939
Professor K.T. Shah,
45 Chowpatty Road,
Bombay (7)

Dear Professor Shah,

I sent to you a few weeks ago a book of mine recently
published by the Oxford University Press, called ‘Some Aspects
on Indian Education, Past and Present’, which I hope you have
duly received. I intended to write to you at the same time, but
have been working under extreme pressure.

As you will see, the book includes three ‘Payne Lectures’
given at the Institute of Education dealing with general
problems, historical and actual, of Indian education, and also
three memoranda in which I have examined in detail the
arguments in the letter which you wrote to me in February, 1932
at Mahatma Gandhi’s request, in support of his statement at
Chatham House that literacy had diminished in India during the
previous fifty or a hundred years.

You will perhaps remember that in my reply (of 10 March
1932) I pointed out that you had not touched on the question of
the previous fifty years, and that I was unable to accept your
conclusions in regard to the history of literacy in Bengal in the
previous hundred years, of which there remained a good deal to
be said.

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