(Sean Pound) #1
10 September 1939

Mahatma Gandhi,
Segaon Wardha,
Central Provinces,

Dear Mr Gandhi,

Many thanks for your letter and enclosure relating to my

I will write to you on the subject later when I am less
overwhelmed with work, but I cannot wait to express to you my
profound gratitude, shared, I am sure, by an innumerable
number of my fellow-countrymen, all over the world, for the
attitude you have taken up in regard to the present War at your
interview with the Viceroy, reported in the ‘Times’.

I know how much it must have cost you to express an
opinion involving any kind of approval of war; I hate war,
perhaps as much as you do, but violence on the part of a
policeman in trying to rescue a child from the clutches of a
ruffian, is surely justifiable and it is to such action that I
compare the war of Great Britain and France in support of
Poland at this moment.

With every good wish,
Believe me,

Yours sincerely,
Sd/- Philip Hartog


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