(Sean Pound) #1

In agraharam villages inhabited by Brahmins, it has been
usual from time immemorial to allot for the enjoyment of
those who study the Vaidams and Pooranams (religion and
historical traditions) an extent of maunium land yielding
from 20 to 50 fanams per annum and in a few but rare
instances to the extent of 100 fanams and they
gratuitously and generally instruct such pupils as may
voluntarily be brought to them.^46
The collector of Masulipatam made a similar observation
and stated:

If the boys are of Vydeea Brahmins, they are, so soon as
they can read properly, removed direct from schools to
college of Vadums and Sastrums.
The former is said to be the mother of all the sciences of
Hindoos, and the latter is the common term for all those
sciences, which are in Sanskrit, viz law, astronomy,
theology, etc. These sciences are taught by Brahmins only,
and more especially Brahmins holding Agraharams,
Mauniums, Rozunahs, or other emoluments, whose duty it
is to observe their religious obligation on all occasions.
In most of the towns, villages and hamlets of this country,
the Brahmins are teaching their boys the Vadum and
Sastrums, either in colleges or elsewhere in their respective
The more descriptive accounts, however, were from
Cuddapah and Guntoor. The collector of Cuddapah stated:

Although there are no schools or colleges supported by
public contribution, I ought not to omit that amongst
Brahmins, instruction is in many places gratuitously
afforded and the poorer class obtain all their education in
this way. At the age of from 10 to 16 years, if he has not
the means of obtaining instruction otherwise, a young
Brahmin leaves his home, and proceeds to the residence of
a man of his own caste who is willing to afford instruction
without recompense to all those resorting to him for the
purpose. They do not, however, derive subsistence from
him for as he is generally poor himself, his means could
not of course give support to others, and even if he has the
means his giving food and clothing to his pupils would
attract so many as
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