T/G Layout 1

(C. Jardin) #1

ctivity 3

Visible Radiation
Seen because of light reflected from objects such as land, clouds, etc.

Light areas indicate very reflective surfaces or colors; dark areas may be shadows, or
indicate an area of refraction or the absorption of light.

Infrared Radiation
Seen because of the temperature or heat energy contained in an object.

Light areas indicate objects with lower temperatures while dark areas indicate warmer
or more intense heat radiation.

Visible Images Infrared Images
Daylight use only* Day or night use
Students familiar Students unfamiliar

Visible Image 1 Infrared Image 2


  1. What distinguishing features can be identified?
    a. In sections 1A and 2A?
    b. In sections 1B and 2B?
    c. In sections 1C and 2C?
    d. In sections 1D and 2D?

  2. Based upon your knowledge of visible and infrared radiation, identify sectors that
    show visible or infrared radiation.

  3. In sections 1D and 2D, what differences can be seen?

  4. In section 2D, why do we see differences in shades of gray?



1A 1B

1C 1D

2A 2A

2A 2A
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