Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Jeff_L) #1
Jan.14] PROCEEDINGS. [1890

  1. Rises. In the month Sebaton the first dayon the horn of the
    constellationof the Yoke (Niru,lETTT^Tf)....(it is seen and)

  2. Crosses (i-ti-ik).

Kakkab Uz saku-sa-risi kakkabi Muna-xa
The- star of-the-Goat = thc-top-of-the-hcad of-the-constellationof-the-Goat-fish.

This explanatory line shows that the Star Uz = Algedi, and,
hence, that the Goat-fish wasconterminous with our Capricorn;
and I may observe that it is a striking illustration (andone at
the time quiteunknownto me) of the principle on which I have
endeavouredto explain the origin of the Signs of the Zodiac, and
manyothermythologicalsymbols,i.e., as reduplications of simpler
ideasconnectedwithnaturalphenomena. TheAkkadiangoat-god
Uz is a solar divinity who, clad in goat-skins, presides overthe
revolutionof the sun ;* and the Goat-sun is reduplicated in the
Goat-star. Astrologers for centuries, and without knowing why,
have termed the twelve Signs alternately "diurnal" and "noc
turnal";andthisis quite correct,inasmuchas they werein origin
simplydiurnal andnocturnal phasesfamiliarto what I may style
the mythological imagination, not arbitrary inventionsor products
of mental imbecility, but ideas which arose naturally and spon
taneously in the mind. On such an analysis the twelve signs
I—Diurnal Signs. II —Nocturnal Signs.

  1. The Ram-sun, afterwards,Aries. I. The Moon-bull,afterwardsTaurus.

  2. Sun and Moon, „ Gemini. 2. Darkness, ,, Camer.

  3. The Lion-sun, „ Leo. 3. The Moon,

  4. The Holy-sun, ,, Ara.\ 4. Darkness,

  5. The Archer-sun, ,, Sagittarius. 5. The Sea-sun

  6. The Rain-giving sun „ Aquarius. 6. The Nocturnal sun


* Vide Sayce,Rel.Anct.Babylonians,284-5.
t Vide Robt. Brown,Jun.,TheHeavenlyDisplay, 65 ; Proceedings, Feb
1889,p. 146. AchilleusTatiossays of the Claws (of the Scorpion), tat xyXav
Ta« ij.Ut'inVfjs- vtt AiyvTniwv Zv)ov( = Libra).
\ Afterwards Pisces. " The doublemouthAdarand Ve-Adar wouldbe the
originof the double Pisces" (Sayoe, Transactions,III,166).
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