Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Jeff_L) #1


Accadian. Chinese.

  1. bai„ nakaru, " to be other, pao puh p'ing, " ready for a
    different, alien, altered, quarrel"; pao, "to revenge
    alienated,"" hostile "; pad,
    "to alter"; ki-bal, "the

oneselfon an enemy " ; pao,
"passionate"; p'ao,"to strike,"
"chastise";p'iao, "to strike,
pierce, stab,""cutoff";pien,
"dispute," "quarrel about";
ping, "soldier," "troops,"
" weapons," " to fight."

  1. baIt enH, "to change," "alter," p'ao, "throw down," "reject";
    for the worse; cp. nakaru. pet, "discard"; pien,"to trans-
    Perhapsrather "to throw
    down";and metaph. "cast
    off," "reject," or "dis
    honour" (cp, 4).

  2. bal, palii, "reign."

form,"" to change."

pao tso, " the throne"; tang ta
pao,"to ascend the throne'';
to a post "; pai, "tohonour,"
"kneel to," "appoint to an
office; " pa, " to elevate."
pao," to state," " inform," "tell,"
"report,""reporter"\ p'ao,"to
cry out " for pain, "to bawl."

  1. bal, tamu, "tospeak," "to piao, "to speakof,""discuss"
    swear"(cp. pad, pa). (in narrative); pa, "to pro
    claim abroad," "tell foolish
    pao, " to bring to light," " dis
    cover" ; p'o, " to lay bare,"
    " solve," " explain" the sense
    of a passage ; pan, " to make
    1 1. bal, hiru,"to dig"(a trench, pao," to dig " (a trench).

  2. bal, naqaru, "to dig out," pao,"to grubup "; p'iao, "knock
    "grubup" (Tj»), "destroy" down,"" fall " ; pa, " pull up,"
    (wallsandbuildings). "eradicate,""takeby storm";
    p'i, " destroyed," " tumbled
    clown,as a ruined wall "; pai,
    " to subvert," " destroy."

  3. bal, dababu, "to spread
    an evil report," " speak

  4. bal, turgumannu,"aninter


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