The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

(Dana P.) #1

just on the outside. Gone is your old cynicism. Gone is your former
negativity. Gone is your old aggressiveness. You really do seem to
be at peace with yourself. You have touched me tonight."
"Hey, there's more!" shouted Julian with his fist in the air.
"Let's keep going."
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Okay. The eighth ritual is the Ritual of the Spoken Word. The
sages had a series of mantras which they would recite morning,
noon and night. They told me that this practice was immensely
effective in keeping them focused, strong and happy."
"What's a mantra?" I asked.
"A mantra is nothing more than a collection of words strung
together to create a positive effect. In Sanskrit, 'man' means
'mind' and 'tra' means 'freeing.' So a mantra is a phrase which is
designed to free the mind. And, believe me, John, mantras
accomplish this objective in a very powerful way."
"Are you using mantras in your daily routine?"
"I sure am. They are my faithful companions wherever I go.
Whether I am on the bus, walking to the library or watching the
world go by in a park, I am constantly affirming all that is good in
my world through mantras."
"So mantras are spoken?"
"They do not have to be. Written affirmations are also very
effective. But I have found that repeating a mantra aloud has a
wonderful effect on my spirit. When I need to feel motivated, I
might repeat, 'I am inspired, disciplined and energized' out loud
two or three hundred times. To maintain the supreme sense of
self-confidence I have cultivated, I repeat, 'I am strong, able and
calm.' I even use mantras to keep me youthful and vital," Julian

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