The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

(Dana P.) #1

"You will recall that our friend the sumo wrestler was stark
"Except for the pink wire cable covering his private parts," I
interjected gamely.
"Right," applauded Julian. "The pink wire cable will serve to
remind you of the power of self-control and discipline in building a
richer, happier and more enlightened life. My teachers in Sivana
were undoubtedly the most healthy, contented and serene people I
have ever met. They were also the most disciplined. These sages
taught me that the virtue of self-discipline was like a wire cable.
Have you ever really taken the time to study a wire cable, John?"

"It hasn't been high on my priority list," I confessed with a
quick grin.
"Well, have a look at one sometime. You will see that it consists
of many thin, tiny wires placed one on top of the other. Alone, each
one is flimsy and weak. But, together, their sum is much greater
than their constituent parts and the cable becomes tougher than
iron. Self-control and willpower are similar to this. To build a will
of iron, it is essential to take small, tiny acts in tribute to the virtue
of personal discipline. Routinely performed, the little acts pile one
on top of another to eventually produce an abundance of inner
strength. Perhaps the old African proverb says it best: 'When
spider webs unite, they tie up a lion.' When you liberate your
willpower, you become the master of your personal world. When
you continually practice the ancient art of self-government, there
will be no hurdle too high for you to overcome, no challenge too
tough for you to surmount and no crisis too hot for you to cool
down. Self-discipline will provide you with the mental reserves
required to persevere when life throws you one of its little curves."

"I must also alert you to the fact that the lack of willpower is a
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