The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

(Dana P.) #1

Enlightened people are priority driven. This is the secret of time
"Wow. Yogi Raman taught you all that?"
"I have become a student of life, John. Yogi Raman certainly
was a wonderful and inspiring teacher and I will never forget him
for that. But all of the lessons I have learned from my varied
experiences have now come together like pieces of a big jigsaw
puzzle to show me the way to a better life."
Julian added: "I hope you will learn from my earlier mistakes.
Some people learn from the errors others have made. They are the
wise. Others feel that true learning comes only from personal
experience. Such people endure needless pain and distress over
the course of their lives."
I had been to many seminars on time management as a lawyer.
Yet, I had never heard the philosophy of time mastery that Julian
was now sharing with me. Time management was not just
something to focus on at the office and discard at closing time. It
was a holistic system that could make all areas of my life more
balanced and fulfilling, if I applied it correctly. I learned that by
planning my days and taking the time to ensure that I was
balanced in the use of my time, I would not only be far more
productive — I would be far happier.
"So life is like a fat strip of bacon," I chimed in. "You have to
separate the meat from the fat in order to be the master of your
"Very good. You're on to it now. And though my vegetarian side
tells me to do otherwise, I love the analogy because it hits the nail
right on the head. When you spend your time and precious mental
energy focusing on the meat, you have no time to waste on the fat.
This is the point at which your life moves from the realm of the

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