The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

(Dana P.) #1

must cultivate a new perspective of why you are here on Earth.
You must realize that, just as you entered the world with nothing,
you are destined to leave with nothing. This being the case, there
can be only one real reason for your being here."
"And that would be?"
"To give yourself to others and to contribute in a meaningful
way," Julian replied. "I'm not saying that you can't have your toys
or that you must give up your law practice and devote your life to
the disadvantaged, although I have recently met people who have
taken this course of action with great satisfaction. Our world is in
the midst of great change. People are trading in money for
meaning. Lawyers who used to judge people by the size of their
pocketbooks are now judging people by the size of their
commitment to others, by the size of their hearts. Teachers are
leaving the wombs of their secure jobs to nurture the intellectual
growth of needy kids living in the combat zones we call inner cities.
People have heard the clear call for change. People are realizing
that they are here for a purpose and that they have been given
special gifts that will aid them to realize it."
"What kind of special gifts?"
"Exactly the ones I have been telling you about all evening: an
abundance of mental ability, boundless energy, unlimited
creativity, a storehouse of discipline and a wellspring of
peacefulness. It is simply a matter of unlocking these treasures
and applying them for some common good," noted Julian.
"I'm still with you. So how can one go about doing good?"
"I'm simply saying that you should make it a priority to
change your world view so that you stop seeing yourself purely as
an individual and start seeing yourself as part of the collective."
"So I should become kinder and gentler?"

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