The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

(Dana P.) #1

friends in need, the small tokens of affection to members of your
family for no reason at all, all add up to a much more wonderful
way to live. And speaking of friendships, make sure you keep them
in constant repair. A person with three solid friends is very
wealthy indeed."
I nodded.
"Friends add humor, fascination and beauty to life. There are
few things more rejuvenating than sharing a belly-bursting laugh
with an old friend. Friends keep you humble when you get too self-
righteous. Friends make you smile when you are taking yourself
too seriously. Good friends are there to help you when life throws
one of its little curves at you and things look worse than they seem.
When I was a busy litigator, I had no time for friends. Now I am
alone, except for you, John. I have no one to take long walks in the
woods with when everyone else is nestled into the cocoon of a soft,
hazy slumber. When I have just put down a wonderful book that
has moved me deeply, I have no one to share my thoughts with.
And I have no one to open my soul to when the sunshine of a
glorious autumn day warms my heart and fills me with joy."
Julian quickly caught himself. "However, regret is not an
activity for which I have any time. I have learned from my
teachers in Sivana that, 'Every dawn is a new day to the one who
is enlightened.'"
I had always viewed Julian as a sort of super-human legal
gladiator, crunching through the arguments of his opponents as a
martial artist does through a stack of heavily reinforced boards. I
could see that the man I had met many years ago had been
transformed into one of a very different nature. The one in front of
me was gentle, kind and peaceful. He seemed secure in who he was
and in his role in the theatre of life. Like no other person I had ever

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