The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

(Dana P.) #1

eyes were catlike and so penetrating that Julian was forced to look
away. His olive-complexioned skin was supple and smooth. His
body looked strong and powerful. And though the man's hands
gave away the fact that he was not young, he radiated such an
abundance of youthfulness and vitality that Julian felt hypnotized
by what appeared before him, much like a child watching the
magician at his first magic show.
'This must be one of the Great Sages of Sivana,' Julian thought
to himself, scarcely able to contain his delight at his discovery.
"I am Julian Mantle. I've come to learn from the Sages of
Sivana. Do you know where I might find them?" he asked.
The man looked thoughtfully at this weary visitor from the
West. His serenity and peace made him appear angelic in nature,
enlightened in substance.
The man spoke softly, almost in a whisper, "Why is it that you
seek these sages, friend?"
Sensing that he had indeed found one of the mystical monks
who had eluded so many before him, Julian opened his heart and
poured out his odyssey to the traveller. He spoke of his former life
and of the crisis of spirit he had struggled with, how he had traded
his health and his energy for the fleeting rewards that his law
practice brought him. He spoke of how he had traded the riches of
his soul for a fat bank account and the illusory gratification of his
'live fast, die young' lifestyle. And he told him of his travels in
mystical India and of his meeting with Yogi Krishnan, the former
trial lawyer from New Delhi who had also given up his former life
in the hope of finding inner harmony and lasting peace.
The traveller remained silent and still. It was not until Julian
spoke of his burning, almost obsessive desire to acquire the
ancient principles of enlightened living that the man spoke again.

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