The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

(Dana P.) #1

Placing an arm on Julian's shoulder, the man said gently: "if you
truly have a heartfelt desire to learn the wisdom of a better way,
then it is my duty to help you. I am indeed one of those sages that
you have come so far in search of. You are the first person to find
us in many years. Congratulations. I admire your tenacity. You
must have been quite a lawyer," he offered.
He paused, as if he was a little uncertain of what to do next,
and then went on. "If you like, you may come with me, as my guest,
to our temple. It rests in a hidden part of this mountain region, still
many hours away from here. My brothers and sisters will welcome
you with open arms. We will work together to teach you the
ancient principles and strategies that our ancestors have passed
down through the ages.
"Before I take you into our private world and share our
collected knowledge for filling your life with more joy, strength and
purpose, I must request one promise from you," requested the
sage. "Upon learning these timeless truths you must return to
your homeland in the West and share this wisdom with all those
who need to hear it. Though we are isolated here in these magical
mountains, we are aware of the turmoil your world is in. Good
people are losing their way. You must give them the hope that they
deserve. More importantly, you must give them the tools to fulfill
their dreams. This is all I ask."
Julian instantly accepted the sage's terms and promised that
he would carry their precious message to the West. As the two men
moved still higher up the mountain path to the lost village of Sivana,
the Indian sun started to set, a fiery red circle slipping into a soft,
magical slumber after a long and weary day. Julian told me he has
never forgotten the majesty of that moment, walking with an
ageless Indian monk for whom he somehow felt a brotherly love,

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