The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

(Dana P.) #1

A Spiritual Student

of the Sages

Great dreamers' dreams are never fulfilled, they
are always transcended.

Alfred Lord Whitehead

It was now 8:00 p.m. and I still had to prepare for my court
appearance the next day. Yet I was fascinated by the experience of
this former legal warrior who had dramatically transformed his life
after meeting and studying under these marvellous sages from
India. How amazing, I thought, and what an extraordinary
transformation! I secretly wondered whether the secrets Julian
had learned in that far off mountain hideaway could also elevate
the quality of my life and replenish my own sense of wonder for the
world we live in. The longer I listened to Julian, the more I came to
realize that my own spirit had become rusty. What had happened
to the uncommon passion I brought to everything I did when I was
younger? Back then, even the simplest of things filled me with a
sense of joy. Maybe it was time for me to reinvent my destiny.

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