House and Leisure - October 2015

(Sean Pound) #1
3 star anise
3 red chillis, split
2 lemon-grass stalks, bruised
20g ginger
70ml lime juice
80ml fish sauce
45g sugar
to serve
organic carrots
fresh coriander leaves
fresh radishes, thinly sliced
To prepare the cardamom rub, mix the
cardamom powder, sugar, and salt, then
rub this onto the fillets. Set the fish aside
for 20 minutes to absorb the flavours.
Meanwhile, prepare the coconut curry
by adding all the ingredients to a pot and
bringing it to a slow simmer. Let it simmer
for 15 minutes to allow all the flavours to
infuse, then set it aside.
Heat the oil in a nonstick pan. Cook
the sole over a moderate heat for
approximately four minutes per side. The
flesh should pull off the bone easily.
Serve the pan-fried sole with the coconut
curry sauce. We chose to add organic
carrots, coriander, and thinly sliced
radishes but any fresh vegetables will
complement the dish. SERVES 4

for the meringues
100g egg whites
100g caster sugar
100g icing sugar
for the chocolate crumble
500g cake flour
350g butter
140g sugar
30g cocoa powder
for the chocolate mousse
8 gelatine leaves

4 lemon zest strips
4 lime zest strips
4 orange zest strips
12 cardamom pods, crushed
4 bruised lemon leaves
20g fresh mint
8 orange segments
8 lemon segments
4 shots of Inverroche Classic Gin
2 bottles of Swaan Dry Cape Tonic
Place a strip of each zest in each glass. Add
three crushed cardamom pods, a bruised
lemon leaf, five grams of mint leaves and
two orange and two lemon segments
per glass. Add a shot of gin and crush
everything together lightly. Top up with
tonic. SERVES 4

for the cardamom rub and fish
20g cardamom powder (toast some
pods, crush them and run them through
a sieve)
20g sugar
20g salt
4 sole fillets
15ml oil
for the coconut curry
600ml coconut cream
5 cardamom pods, crushed
2 cinnamon quills

cold water
500g chocolate
6 eggs
1 litre cream
for the biscuit base
1 packet of digestive biscuits
200g butter
for the ganache
300g dark chocolate
100g cream
150g butter
for the marshmallows
370g white sugar
180g water
10g cardamom pods, toasted
30g granulated gelatine
for the crème Chantilly
300g cream
seeds scraped from one vanilla pod
100g icing sugar
for the poached pears
1 bottle of white wine
300g white sugar
1 vanilla pod
5 cardamom pods
2 star anise
3 cloves
peel of 1 orange
2 pears
To prepare the meringues, preheat the
oven to 130 ̊C. Beat the egg whites until
soft peaks form, then gradually add the
caster sugar. Whisk until the mixture
is thick and glossy. Sieve the icing sugar
into the mixture and gently fold through
with a metal spoon. Place the mixture
in a piping bag and pipe meringues onto
a sprayed baking tray. Bake for 15 to 30
minutes until they have formed a hard
shell and easily come loose from the tray.
To prepare the chocolate crumble, rub
all the ingredients together until they are
the texture of sand, then bake at 180 ̊C
until it is crispy. Stir every now and again
to prevent it from forming one big piece.
To prepare the chocolate mousse, soak
the gelatine leaves in cold water. Melt the
chocolate in a saucepan over a low heat. Stir
often and remove it from the heat as soon
as it has melted. Whisk the eggs in a bowl
set over gently boiling water until they have
thickened to ribbon stage (don’t scramble
them). Add the gelatine leaves and stir until
they have dissolved. Whip the cream until
stiff peaks have formed. Add the melted
chocolate to the egg mixture and let it cool
to room temperature. Fold in the whipped
cream and let it set.

1015_HL_000_THREE WAYS WITH_cardamom_RFO.indd 3 2015/08/31 2:07 PM

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