House and Leisure - October 2015

(Sean Pound) #1
suppliers on board with her vision. ‘The city’s plan-approval
department rejected 43 items in our first submission,’ she says
with a sigh. ‘The people there were adamant, for example, that
in addition to our water harvesting tank we install an expensive
storm-water attenuation tank that would seldom see a drop of
water. They were also anxious that our system might somehow
return polluted water into the eThekwini system. We had to
prove our technology had one-way valves preventing that. With
the thumbs up from the storm-water department, we were also
eventually able to avoid having to buy the expensive additional
tank by installing a much smaller overflow from the rain tank.’
It’s a matter of pride to Jane that all this green technology is
barely visible. ‘We wanted a beautiful, contemporary house, not
a hippy hobbit home,’ she says.
Whirligigs, solar panels and water tanks are hidden from view,
and it’s only on inquiry that visitors discover that the elegant
decking and outdoor furniture are recycled plastic, the wall paint
comes from Earthcote and Dulux’s ecofriendly ranges (‘all the big
names now have them’), and the ceiling insulation is made from

recycled plastic bottles – as are the surprisingly soft Nouwens
Ecotwist carpets.
Kitchen cupboards are of sustainable bamboo (‘it can grow
up to 60 centimetres every day!’) and the Samsung Radianz
counter tops comprise 60 per cent recycled content. Household
appliances are energy efficient; all sanitaryware is designed to
minimise water use; and the furniture throughout was brought
across from their previous home and simply reupholstered and
offset with Jane’s own vibrant mosaics.
‘People need to know that green design has nothing to do with the
aesthetics of a house,’ she says. ‘It simply means building in harmony
with the natural environment and cooperating instead of fighting
with the climate.’



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The best thing about living here is being very close to nature. We
now use resources very lightly and plan to leave as little of ourselves
behind as we can (Jane). Our favourite room is our bedroom. The
rooftop garden provides the most beautiful, restorative energy and
the antics of the wildlife delight us daily (Jane). Our style is eclectic.
We adore contemporary design but also have a fondness for items
that are full of character (Greg). My best design advice is to go with
what works for you (Greg). Go for what makes you happy – sure,
look at some of the design ‘rules’ but then allow yourself to break
them. Declutter – you breathe better and make space to attract new
things into your life (Jane). My best green design advice is to weigh
your options: how far has it travelled? What is it made of or how is it
grown? (Jane.) Our top tip for green living is just to start somewhere

  • it doesn’t have to be all about the big technologies! Recycle, plant
    a few herbs, begin a worm farm and think carefully about holidays
    and gift options (Greg). My favourite feature in our home is the
    vertical garden – the plants have now started self-seeding and the
    moss is getting lush and squashy (Jane). My favourite green home
    item is the grey-water recycling unit, an easy and inexpensive way to
    increase your ‘green’ living (Greg). On my eco wish list is a suspended
    pod made from recycled tyres to hang from the albizia tree (Jane).
    Mine is an electric car (Greg).

ABOVE, FROM FAR LEFT Jane created the
spectacular water-wise rooftop garden in
10 centimetres of soil. ‘We keep binoculars
instead of a TV remote beside the bed – to
watch the birds!’ she says; the colours in
the master bedroom mirror those of the
aloes in the rooftop garden. Jane made the
headboard and cushions, and her mother
stitched the quilt by hand. The chest and
picture frame are from a previous home; of
the bathroom and outdoor shower she says
you can ‘feel the forest around you’.


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