House and Leisure - October 2015

(Sean Pound) #1
My style is minimalist with an infusion of colour (Luchelle). I’m inspired by
functional beauty (Luchelle). Indoor–outdoor living means enough light
in your house to create an atmosphere of no barriers (Luchelle). I collect
wine and books, especially old ones (Philippus). The practicality of the
house’s layout allows me to marry two of my favourite things: cooking
and entertaining (Luchelle). My pet design hates are small, dark, enclosed
spaces and underutilised (unnecessary) rooms (Luchelle). A few of my
favourite things include weekends away with my loved ones, my Tivoli
radio and my Gaggia coffee machine (Philippus). My most treasured
piece is my old cot that Philippus restored and we used for our children
(Luchelle); the cuff links from my dad’s wedding (Philippus). My most
rash purchase was a Bettie Cilliers-Barnard painting at an auction. It
was my first auction and I felt as though I had won the lottery (Luchelle).
My signature dish is a fresh, innovative seasonal salad (Luchelle); risotto
(Philippus). In our fridge there’s always Parmesan cheese and a flu
vaccine (Luchelle); bubbly (Philippus). My most inspiring place is upstairs
at Café de Flore in Paris, away from the hustle and bustle, where locals
read newspapers and play Sudoku on Sunday afternoons (Luchelle).
My secret talent is speaking Spanish to a Frenchman in Italy and getting
what I ordered (Philippus). My favourite shop is the book shop at a
museum or art gallery (Luchelle). My favourite way to enjoy the great
outdoors is swimming in the refreshingly cold Atlantic Ocean (Philippus).

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