House and Leisure - October 2015

(Sean Pound) #1
t was the start of a new luxury safari
experience when Singita opened its first
lodge in Sabi Sands, a group of private
game reserves neighbouring the Kruger
National Park. Splashed in crimson and
with plush textures and elegant furnishings,
Ebony Lodge was the epitome of bush
glamour. Twenty-two years later, however,
it was time for a fresh new look and Singita
turned to design house Cécile & Boyd to
help reclaim the property’s position as
one of the grandes dames of the bushveld.
‘We are known for our creative
juxtaposition of design elements: classic
and contemporary, European and African,’
says Cecile & Boyd creative director Boyd
Ferguson. He’s injected the space with a
shot of the instinctively chic colonial style
that’s synonymous with his brand. ‘We
were cognisant of honouring Ebony’s legacy
and spirit as the pioneer lodge but also of
pushing the boundaries while creating
a quintessential safari bush camp.’
Gone are the now stuffy hides and bright
colours. Instead, contemporary animal
prints, neutral tones of khaki, touches
of brass and natural fibres mingle with
campaign style furniture. It’s at once
rough sketched and highly finished – a
royal Victorian bivouac with a distinctly
South African disposition.
Along with architect Sally Tsiliyiannis
of GAPP, Boyd and his team worked to
‘morph the tented camp and bush lodge
style’. Exterior walls were replaced with
floor-to-ceiling glass and canvas flaps.
This aesthetic is woven throughout the
lodge, with canvas blinds used as room
dividers and curtains that, as Boyd notes,
‘give a greater connection to the outdoors
and double the sense of space and light’.
From private plunge pools guests can spy
the buck and baboons (and the occasional
leopard) that stroll among the 12 suites,
each tucked between trees to lend it an air
of seclusion. It’s this sometimes alarming
proximity to nature that’s at the heart of the
bush experience. A wine-paired meal on the
airstrip under the stars might be interrupted
by a cackle of hyenas taking a leisurely walk
past your table. Fear not, though: a detail of
armed game rangers are sworn to fend off
fell beasts. Game drives here are exceptional,
too, and regular sightings of rhino and lion
are the best safari souvenirs.
Boyd believes the landscape speaks for
itself. ‘The site is magnificent and Ebony
embraces the romance and history as well
as the senses,’ he says. ‘It’s a traditional
safari set in a modern context.’ Singita
Ebony Lodge,; Cécile & Boyd,; GAPP,

its own pool; Pat was our go-to guy; glass walls
let the outside into the bedrooms; morning
coffee, afternoon tea and pre-dinner drinks are
served in the main reception area; one of the
sumptuous desserts. PREVIOUS PAGE A young
leopard presenting itself at the golden hour.




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