xii Abbreviations and symbols
CEC cation exchange capacity
CH 3 OH methanol
CH 4 methane gas
Cl chloride
cm centimeter
CO carbon monoxide
CO 2 carbon dioxide
COD chemical oxygen demand
CP cleaner production
d days
d dispersion number
DAF dissolved air flotation
DDT dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane, (ClC 6 H 4 ) 2 CHCCl 3
DO dissolved oxygen
DOd dissolved oxygen at dawn
e or exp exponential
EC electrical conductivity
FAO United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
FCR food conversion ratio
FFB fresh fruit bunches (referring to palm oil wastewater)
ft foot
FWS free water surface (constructed wetlands)
g gram
gal gallon
gcal calorie
gmole molecular weight in grams of any particulat compound
H hydrogen
h unit heat of algae
H 2 hydrogen gas
H 2 S hydrogen sulfide gas
ha hectare
hp horsepower
hr hour
HRAP high-rate algal pond
HRT hydraulic retention time
in inch
IRCWD International Reference Centre for Waste Disposal,
ISO International standards organization
K potassium
kcal kilocalorie