Organic Waste Recycling

(WallPaper) #1

Land treatment of sludge 475

b) Table 9.11 shows the land application pollution limits of various
heavy metals, including As. Based on As limits alone, determine if
this animal manure is suitable to be used as fertilizer for sunflower
crops or not? If yes, determine the annual amount of animal manure
that can be applied on this 1-ha farmland and the life period of this
farmland that can be used for sunflower cultivation until the As
cumulative loading limit is reached.

9.8 Discuss the significance of CEC in sludge application an agricultural
land. You are to determine CEC of soil in your hometown and evaluate
the feasibility of applying municipal or agricultural sludge to agricultural
land in your hometown.

9.9 You are to conduct an opinion survey on social acceptance of agricultural
products fertilized with sludge from domestic, agricultural or industrial
sources and recommend measures to increase public acceptance.

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