In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad

(Martin Jones) #1

Medina, Lift, and War^109

of the covenant, such a case should have been dealt with by the Prophet

and resolved peacefully according to the principles of justice and honor
codes. But the Banu Qaynuqa betrayed the covenant by trying to ally
themselves with Ibn Uba?y, a hypocrite ",rith whom they had already been
bargaining for some time and who they hoped would help them mobilize
their allies in the area in order to fight the J\'[uslims.
l\'l uhammad reacted quickly, gathering an army and immediately
besieging the fortress to which the Banu Qaynuqa had rushed to protect
themselves. They hoped to receive outside suPPOrt from Muslim ranks
through the hypocrites who had converted to Islam in name only and who
had always assured the Banu Qaynuqa that they too hoped for the l\Iuslim
community to be wiped out. No support came, however, and after a rwo-
week siege the Banu Q aynuqa surrendered.
T he Prophet remembered the Revelation that "it is not fitting for a
prophet that he should have prisoners of war" out of a desire fat prof-
it.^24 He had the option of killing the men of the tribe who had betrayed
the covenant and banishing their women and children, as was the usual
practice after victory in war. This would have enabled him to send a
strong message to neighboring tribes about the fate awaiting whoever
betrayed or attacked the l\'luslim community. He had recei\'ed a Revelation
pointing to this: ''If you gain mastery over them in war, deal with them so
as to strike fear in those who follow them, that they may remember."Z5
Muhammad nevertheless received Ibn Ubayy-whose hypocrisy and
secret dealings he was aware of-when he came to intercede for the Banu
Qaynuqa. Once again, he decided to spare his prisoners' lives, but he
demanded that their belongings be confiscated and that they move out of
the city. They took refuge with some of the other tribes and colonies in the
area, but trus did not stop them from plotting against the Prophet. On the
contrary, their recent humiliation increased their hatred: the number of
l'-1uhammad's enemies kept growing and their resentment deepened. He
knew it and kept inviting his Companions to wisdom and patience, as well
as watchfulness.

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