In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad

(Martin Jones) #1

Teachings and D efeat

Life went on in "Medina. In spite of the complexity of relations between
tribes and the need to remain watchful, j-luhammad went on dispensing
his teachings in the light of Revelations he received. Always his distinctive
feature was the combination of strict faithfulness to his principles and
human warmth constantly radiating from his presence. The Companions
were so eager for his company that they would take turns with him, in
order to spend as much time as possible with him, listening and learning.
Their love for him was deep, re spectful, and faithful, and the Prophet kept
inviting them to further deepen that affection and to love him in the supe-
rior light of God's love.

Gentleness, Caring, and Love

In his daily life, though he was preoccupied by attacks, treachery, and his
enemies' thirst for revenge, Muhammad remained mindful of the small
details of life and of the expectations o f [hose around him, constantly
allying rigor and the generosity of fraternity and forgiveness. His
Companions and his wives saw him pray for hours during the night, away
from the others, alone with the whispered prayers and invocations that
nurtured his dialogue with the One. Aishah, his wife, was impressed and
surprised: " D on't you take o n too much [worship] while God has already
forgiven aU your past and future sins?" The Prophet answered: " How
Could I but be a thankful servant?,,1 He did no t demand of his Com-
panions lhe worship, fasting, and meditations that he exacted of himself.
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