In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad

(Martin Jones) #1
118 In tIN ~trps lJj,be PropIRt

daughter, who in their respective customs did no t usually receive such
trcaunent. T he Prophet would kiss his daughter, talk to her, confide in
her, and have her sit by his side, without paying attention to the remarks
o r even the criticism s that his behavior co uld give rise to. Once he kissed
his grandson, ai-Hassan, Fatimah's son, in front of a group o f Bedouins,
who were startled. One of th em, al-Aqra ibn Habis, express ed his shock
and said: "1 have ten children and I have never kissed any ont: of them!"
T he Pro phet answered: "He who is not generous [loving, benevolent],
God is not generous [loving, benevolent] to him." 26 1n the light of hi s silent
example and his remarks, the Prophet taught rus people good manners,
kindness, gentleness, respect for children, and regard for and attentiveness
toward women. He was later to say: "1 have only been sent to perfect noble
Fatimah rcceived that love and th e teachings o f faith and tenderness
fr o m her father and spread them around her through her activities with
the poor. One day, however, she to ld her husband about her difficulties:
like her father, they owned nothing, and she felt it increasingly difficult to
manage her daily life, her famil)·, and her child ren. Her husband ad vised
her t o go to her father and ask for hi s help; perhaps he might supply her
with one of the slaves he had received as gifts. She went to see him, but
she dared not express hcr request, so deep was her respeCt for her father.
When she carne back, silent and empty-handed, Ali decided to go with her
and ask fo r the P rophet's help himself. The Prophet listcned to them and
infor med them that he co uld do noming for mem, that th eir situation was
far better than that of the ahl rJs-JIIlfoh, who urgently nceded his help. T hey
had to endure and be patient. T hey le ft, sad and disappointed: although
they were the Prophet's daughter and cousin, they could not claim any
social privilege.
Late in the evening, the Prophet came to th eir door. They wanted to
get up ro receive him, bue Muhammad entered and sat al their bedside. He
whispered: "Shall I offer you so mething better than what yOll asked me
for?" They assented, and the Prophet tOld them: "They are wotds Gabriel
has taught me, and mat yo u should re peat ten times afler each prayer:
'Glory to God' !S1Ibhan AI/obI, then 'Praise be to God' [a/-hafHdfl lil...l...abl,
then 'God is the ;"'lost G reat' [AlMlll( Akbar]. 13 efore going to bed , you
should repeat each o f those phrases thirty-three times.",28 Sitting at his
daughter's bedside late at night, deeply attentive to her needs, he answered

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