A t HOI1Ir, Ot'tr Thtn^183
witb such ardor that Malik's soldiers were to tally astonished; they could
not have expected such a sudden and massive counterattack. Among the
Muslims was a \voman, Um Sular m ar-Rumaysa, who took part in the
fighting with her husband and who showed a determination shared byall.^6
It \vas now their enemies' turn to b e compelled to draw back, then run
away, with tht: fvtuslim trOops following them. Malik evenrually found
refuge in the city of Taif with the Banu T haqif, while o thers had [0 hide
in the mountains. They had lost many men and suffered a bitter defeat
aftcr a most unexpected and extrao rdinary reversal. Revelation was later
to remind the bdievers of the different factual, emotional, and spiritual
aspects o f that fight:
Assuredly God helped yo u in many battlefields, and rremembtrJ on the day
of Hunayn: your great numbers elated you, but they availed you nothing.
Tht land, VllISt as it is, co nstraincd yo u, and you tu rned back in [Ctrtl!.t. But
God poured His calm (/ahnah, His Spirit] on the Messenger and on the
Although many men had been killed, the victory was total, and the
spoils gath ered were considerable. For the surrender the Prophet placed
the women and children together and o rdered them to be guarded and fed
in the best possible m anner. He also had the mountS and riches guardt:d
without immt:diately distributing them. Wasting no time, he mobilized his
men to go to Taif, where ~hlik had sought refuge; this seemed to be the
last serio us stro nghold of resistance in the region. Th e Banu Thaqif, how-
ever, were well equipped \\~th food and weapons; the Muslim army
besieged their fortress, but it soon b ecame clear that they would not be
able to force them out by this means. After two weeks, the f\{uslims decid-
ed to break camp and go back to Jiranah, where the Hunayn prisoners and
booty were kept.
Spoils of War
the women and children who had been captured had been placed in a vast
enclosure, sheltered from the sun, and properly fed uncil the Prophet'S
return. \'(Ihen he came back and saw dlat most of the captives were rather