Ab) ... ini.
on<! com..:rnon of Add"", 70
an<! convcnion "f the N~gu.,
deleg.tion to Medina, 119
and !~e emis",tion or )"Iu,iim ..
lotte'" f,om Muhammad, 161
<eturn of cxiled Muslims, 165
,uP!"''' for ;\Iu,linu, 76
Ad.m, 1, 31, 196
AdJ.., 69--70
.dve"i'y, 44-49, 54. S" dh. P<'''-
rucion and opp", .. ;on
ao, thotics, 187
.ft<rlifo, 43--+1, 223n. 12
,bcription,226n 35
ond Khadii.h. 35, 121
and M.rir.h, 16B, 169
momoge to Muhammad, 74--75
in Medin>, 82, 87, 95
n<I Mul=nmad', illnc<>. 205-8
on Muh:unll'llld', pcnoruUi'y, I,
on Muharnm,w', P"')"', 111
public lili:, 120
on<! the Qu,>o', fint ='. 29
rel.tion,hip ",ith l'oluh.ll'ImiI<i,
119 ,1W- 22
.00 /w'..:l"ions, )(), 33
.00 Urn Sil:unah. 134
il-Aq.boh, 74, 75
.1_Aq'" ibn H.hi .. 1l~
,j_Aq .. , 73
u-Anj.m ibn Abi il-Arq.m, 38,
44 ,64--65
;\1_B"'Ii fP,..:) .. n;l, 205
AI.Bulci",;, 223n. 12, 228-29n. 4
"'-Bu~, 71
AI-Far~q, 222n. 5. S ... also Urnar
ibn al¥h.".b
. 1·H .. ith (dan), 152
il-H.".n, 118
. 1-Bud. )'bin.1t, 151-52, 154---56,
1 61,162,170,174-76
Ali ibn Abi T.lib
and the Bum N.di" 131
battle of B.d" 105
convenion, 37
and the CO\'enont of .1-
Hud.ybi))~, 154---55, 174
and hon,,!)' in trade, n
and ho'tility ",,, .. ,,,d Ishm, 45
muri.ge, 24, I t 7
and Muh.mma.:!', illnes., 205
and the Mu .. h oxpedition,
231 0.. ~
pilgrim.ge .. 191
and ,,>ciol equity, 11 8--19
.nd the T.buk ""p<ditJ())'l, 188
allegi.nce pledge to Muhommad,
153-5 4
oI-M.rwa, 170
.t-Miq<bd ibn Amr, 101
AI-Mu,t. f., 219n. 19
oJ·Mu.tol;q (dm), 121, 14~
Aminoh, 10, 11, 15
Ami, (Cw.), 130, I~, 117
Amm .. , 47, 54-55, 62
Antr ibn oJ-A .. 60 , 61, 171, 173
Antr ibn Hish.m, Stt Abu Johl
Amr ib n Um.yy.h, 130
ance"ryof Muhamm.d, 3, 4
.nge1., 15, 60-61, 9'), 105, 112 ,
221 n. 8. S",,/so G. briel
.ninul" 170, 175 , 203----4, 218n. 8
An .. , Muslim,
.t~ks on """"""'s, 101~2
b.ttle of Uhu.:!, 123
conilic", with Muhoiirun
Muslims, %
described, 22311 , 8
and the Pact of brothcrlmod,
9 2-93
«fu,m" 119, 120
'00 the .poli. of ",or, 185, 1S6
A .. me langwogc .nd cuitu1'<, 41,
139, lbO, 2200 , 3
.. med fni ... ncc (qil8lj, 98, 99
A,,,d (cl..,), 137
"",cn'ion, 72
""",ric,,,,", 114
A>mo, 82, 173
Asnt1 bint Um.y., 165
.. ·S.diq .1. Amin, 22-2.\ 25
... S.f., 170
As-Siddiq, 72
'lithori!)', religious, 115, 144-45,
Aw. (don), 74-76, 88 , 92, 142, 145
Bacc., 2, 3----4. Su ./s. Mccc>
B"d" battle of, 101 , 10 3-5, 122,
132, 137 ~ 38
Bahin (monk), 19---20,33
Bahrain, 161
Ihh (dao), 174
b.ni,hmont, 57, 66-67, 7 4- 7 6,
84----87, 224n. 9. Sf< aIJo cmi-
gnrion (hijrnh)
Ihrokoh, 15
B .. inh, 233n. 4
Bedouin" 10 -11, 12,83, 1 65----6 7
Bible, 2, 5----6, 218n. 8
BiW, 13, 46 , 93, 170
Hir Il-Maun~h, 130
b"th of Muh.ITUIl2d, 10
Black Stone, 25
boycott of Mu,lim" 6(,.-67
Bud.yt ibn W,,,,!o, 152, 175
Buo,.., 19
Byz antine empir<:, 149 , 161,
18 7--88
eolcndor, MW!lim, 10
car.o\'2n" 19,96-97,100---102,1 47
elve., 26---27, 29, 34, 58, 70, 82
The CO"c (.urab), 58
ch.ri!)', 11~12, 47--49, 93, 114, 1500,
- Xu"n. po,,:rty.nd the
impo,-.ri,hcd; ~I (soci. l
= )
childh""'<l "f Mulwnm.d, 12-14,
chiklten, 23---25, 213---14, 233n. 6
cno.roe., 161
Chri,tia ... :tnd Chri.riani!)'. Su d/s
IJ«ifo iwdi,.w",n
in Abl"'inio, 59-60, 60-62
ollionce. with, 189
eom-.'rs to, 9, 78
.od the di=tion of P"')-", 99
efWO)'" to Muhamm:od, 190
J .. us, I , ~1, 115
io ;!ecco. ("""40), 9, 26
in Medin., 85 , 88, 224n. 14
Najrlln ('),,;'''ao., 114-17,
2300 ,2 3
prie", .od monks, 19---20, 33,
QUrIlO on, 117
:tnd mgerij', 6
chruooJogy of n-.nts, 232n, 21
clon. ffifutrioo .. 47
cloo units, 218n. 5. :iu ,,/s!J'<"fo
d.uu "." tribtl
cl>" i"ues, 197
clemency, 113, 145---46, 166---{;7,
community '" (_"",},), 89, !3S-39
rompa .. ion, 133
compul,ion i n ' eligion, 116
concubine .. 2.290. 6
Confericrotc. (.I.Ah" b), 132
consuJ",rion (lhN1'5), 10 1~3, 122,
127 ,137, 159
contcmplocion and mcdi",tion,
26-27,111, 1500
controm (aJ-dhtij, 89, 157
Abb ... 1 70-71, 22!l-29n. 4
AbdulLoh ibn Uba ))', 22S-29n. 4
Abu .I-A .. 147---48
Abu Bakr, 37
Ahu Humynh, 170
Add.., 70
AJ-Bukhari, 228--2%. 4
Ali ibn Ahi T.lib, 37
ond ddcgorion., 23On. 23
earl, cnm'=ion .. 37 38
:utd cmij;!ation 10 Medina, 89
of fo'm~ cnemic .. 171
gfOwtb of, 159
and hypocri." 91_92, 167
Kbotid ibn .J-Wolid, 171
in M<:<:~., 74
in Medin., 90