In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad

(Martin Jones) #1
USA 523.0 0


amt:d by Time maga7,ine as one of the TOO
most imporrnnr innovators of the ce ntury,
Tarig Ramadan is a leading Muslim scholar, with a large
following especially among young European and
American Muslims. Now, in his first book written for
a wide audience, lu,: Urrl:l~ a 11 ), 11 vdous biography of
the Prophet Muhammad, one that highlights th e spiri-
tual and ethical teachings of one of the most influential
figures in human history.
H ere is a fresh and perceptive look at Muhammad,
capturing a life that was often eventful, gripping, a nd
highly charged. Ramadan provides bot h an intimate
portrait of a man who W'JS shy, kind, but determined,
as weU as a d ramatic chronicle of a leader who launched
a great religion and inspired a vast empire. More impor-
tant, Ramadan presents the main events of the Prophet'~
life in a way that highlights his spirirua! and dhical
teachings, The book underscores the significance of the
Prophet's example for so me of raday's most controversial
issues, such as tht;' treatment of the poor, the role of
women, Islamic crimina! punishments, war, racism, and
relations with other rehglons. Selectmg those filcts and
stories from which we can draw a profound and vivid
spiritual picture, th e author asks how the Prophet's life
can remain-or become again-an example, a modd,
and an inspiration. And how can Muslims move from
formalism-a ftxation on ritual- toward a committed
sp irirual and social presence?
I n this t houghtful and engaging biography,
Ramadan offers Muslims a new understanding of
Muhammad's life and he imnxluces non- M uslims not
just to the Story of th e Prophet, but to the spiritual
and ethical riches of Islam.

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