In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad

(Martin Jones) #1
In fIN hNI/IItpJ 0/ fbt Jlrophtf

a rest and calm down. God WIll not let you suffer anr humIliation. because
)'OU are kind to rour kinsfolk, }'ou speak the: truth, you he.Jp those: tn need,
you arc generous to your g uests, an d you suppOrt every just cause.")

Khadijah thought of seelcing the: opinion of her cousin, the Christian
Waraqah ibn Nawfal. She went to him (whether alone o r wIth the Pro phet
IS not clear) and mId him of ,\ Iuhammad's experience.^4 \'('araqah recog-
nized the signs he had been waiti ng for and answered without hCSltallon:
" Holy! Holy! By H e who holds \'('ar:tqah's soul, it is the sublime Namus
Ime friend of thc secrets o f Supreme Royalt)', th e angel b rinbring the
sacred Revelation] who has comc to r ... luhammad ; th e same who had co mc
to ~Ioses. Indeed, Muhammad is th e prophet of th iS people.uS
Later, during an encounter with ~Iuhammad near the K:tba, \Xlaraqah
was to add: " You will certainly be called a liar, ill-trea ted, bamshed, an d
attacked. If r am still alive then, God knou·s I will support rou to bring
His ca use to victory!,,6 Aishah reports that Waraqah also said: "Your peo-
ple will turn you away!" T his startled the Prophct, and he asked. "Will
they turn me away?" \X1araqah warned him: " Indeed they wiU! No man
has ever broug ht what you have bro ught and no t been tre:lled :lS an
The Prophet's mission had only JUSt begun, an d alread y he was allowed
to grasp some of the fundame ntals of th e fical Reve:iaoon as well as some
of the truths that had been present lhroughout the history of prophecies
amo ng peoples.

Faith, Knowledge, a nd Humility

T he first verses revealed to th e Pro phet, who could neither read nor write,
directly turn his attentio n toward knowledge. T hough he is unable to read
when relying on his own faculues, God calls on him to rc=:ad "in the name
of your Lo rd " (Robb, "r~lucalor'l, immediHe1y dnJ.wing a link between
faith in God and knowlcdge. The followlOg verses confirm this rel:ltlon-

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