In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad

(Martin Jones) #1
36 III the FootJI'PS of the Pmphtt

persona and sometimes as a human being. At other times, Muhammad
would hear a beU-like sound and Revelation would come suddenly, requi r-
ing of him such extreme concentration that he came dose to asphyxia-
cion. This last mode was particularly painful, even though at the end o f
the process he was able to repeat word for wo rd the caments of Reve-
lation he had rcceived. 17 For twenty years, the Angel Gabriel was to accom-
pany him and reveal, irregularly and as the situation warranted, the verses
and surahs that would ultimately constitute the Quran. Revelations were
not placed chronologically in the book th :u was taking shape; they followed
an order that the Angel Gabriel indicated to the Prophet each time and
which the latter scrupulously respected. Every yea r, during the month of
Ramadan, th e Pro phet would recite to the Angel Gabriel all that he had
received of the Quean so far in the order the angel had indicated. T hus was
effected a regular verification of the cOntents and form of th e Book that

  • .. v-as slowly being consrinm'!l over a peciod of twenty-thrce years.

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