38 | New Scientist | 5 March 2022
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Niftier ways to manipulate molecules are bringing us advances on fronts
from sucking greenhouse gases from the air to inventing infinitely recyclable
materials and even creating artificial life. Katharine Sanderson reveals
seven of the most exciting innovations
Our insatiable appetite for energy has
got us into a mess, with the burning of
fossil fuels releasing greenhouse gases
that are heating the atmosphere. It is
enough to make you envious of plants,
which produce their own energy –
through photosynthesis – in a way that actually
uses up the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.
If we could learn to mimic this trick on a grand
scale, it would enable us to effectively liquefy
sunlight to create a clean, green fuel.
Unfortunately, photosynthesis is a tough
chemical reaction to copy. It involves many
processes, including capturing sunlight,
splitting apart water molecules to yield
protons, and joining these protons with carbon
atoms from CO2 to ultimately produce fuel
in the form of sugars. In nature, these jobs are
performed by proteins that have had hundreds
of millions of years to evolve – and they still
only manage to turn energy from sunlight into
fuel with an efficiency of 1 per cent at best.
A decade ago, chemist Daniel Nocera at
Harvard University made a big stride forwards
when he developed catalysts based on nickel
and cobalt that could break apart water. That
is just one part of recreating photosynthesis,
however, and progress has since stuttered.
Then people started to realise that instead
of recreating photosynthesis from scratch,
we could combine the best bits of chemistry
and biology in a bionic leaf. Such leaves
typically employ materials that efficiently
absorb sunlight as well as natural proteins
that excel at stitching together fuel molecules.
A team led by Erwin Reisner at the University
of Cambridge recently used a material called
a perovskite to gather light and coupled it
with an enzyme called formate dehydrogenase.
The resulting bionic leaf converts light into
formate, a chemical that can be used in fuel
cells, with almost 1 per cent efficiency – on a
par with what nature can achieve.
Nocera has embraced a similar approach.
In 2016, he unveiled a system in which his
water-splitting catalysts produced protons
and electrons and fed these to bioengineered
bacteria. The set-up could use sunlight to turn
CO2 into fuel and biomass with an efficiency of
almost 11 per cent. “We did a complete artificial
photosynthesis that’s 10 to 100 times better
than nature,” says Nocera.
This is one great challenge that chemists
have more or less solved, then. “It’s not a
chemistry problem, necessarily, any more,”
says Nocera. “It’s not even a technology
problem.” For him, the reason we aren’t all
running our cars on fuel from bionic leaves
has more to do with a lack of will to build
GR the necessary infrastructure.
During the industrial
revolution, simple
mechanisms like pistons
and ratchets were combined
to produce machines that
could do the work of many
people. The changes this brought
were both positive and negative, but
nobody denies how sweeping they were.
It might be wise to keep that in mind
today, as chemists develop molecular
machines – devices made not of iron,
but of atoms – which could be as
disruptive as any steam engine.
Simple molecular machines
have existed for about two decades.
Early examples include molecular
wheels that could move along an axle,
creating a piston-like mechanism.
Three pioneers of this work – Fraser
Stoddart at Northwestern University
in Illinois, Ben Feringa at the University
of Groningen in the Netherlands and
Jean-Pierre Sauvage at the University
of Strasbourg, France – were recognised
with a Nobel prize in 2016.
More useful machines are now being
made and tested. A few years ago, James
Tour at Rice University in Houston, Texas,
and his colleagues created a molecular >