40 | New Scientist | 5 March 2022
The warming of our planet is
usually blamed on carbon dioxide,
but there is another major
greenhouse gas contributing to the
havoc in our skies too: methane.
There is far less methane being
emitted into the atmosphere than CO2 , but
during its first 20 years there, methane’s
warming effect is more than 80 times greater.
As it is emitted from livestock and leaky
pipes, methane also reacts with nitrous
oxides to make the gas ozone close to Earth’s
surface. Here, ozone causes people breathing
problems and is linked to a million premature
deaths globally each year.
If we could scrub the air of methane, it would
help stop temperatures rising, buying us some
time to reduce our other carbon emissions. For
every billion tonnes of methane removed from
the atmosphere, Earth’s surface temperature
would be reduced by a roughly 0.2°C, according
to recent estimates from Rob Jackson at
Stanford University in California and his
colleagues. “It’s not easy, but if we can work
out the chemistry, I think it’s a fantastic
opportunity,” says Jackson.
Technologies for capturing CO2 have been
around for years. The gas given off in power
station flues can be trapped by binding it to
machine that could drill through cell
membranes. This allows it to open holes
through which drugs could be delivered.
Such devices can be built on to create
even more sophisticated machines. The
potential is huge: after all, living things
use biomolecular machines to do many
useful jobs. Ribosomes, for example, are
biomolecular machines that assemble
proteins. They add molecules called
amino acids together in specific
sequences to create a vast array of
amazing materials, from the keratin
in fingernails to the disease-busting
antibodies of our immune systems.
David Leigh at the University of
Manchester, UK, has long been working
on a synthetic version of the ribosome.
His designs tend to be based on a
ring-shaped molecule equipped with
an “arm” that moves along a linear
molecular track, picking up pieces along
the way and joining them together.
Last year, Leigh and his team linked
two of these machines together so they
could build a peptide with 10 amino
acids, in a specific sequence.
For the moment, Leigh’s machines
can’t go beyond what nature can do.
But that could change. Ribosomes
only build with about 20 amino acids,
but a synthetic ribosome could be
designed to work with a far wider
range of molecules. “We can use the
whole of the periodic table,” says Leigh.
“I think molecular machines are going
to change how we do everything in
terms of material design.”
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