Poetry for Students Vol. 10

(Martin Jones) #1

Literary Chronology

1830:Emily Dickinson is born in Amherst, Mass-
achusetts, where she will live all her life.

1830:Christina Rossetti is born in London, Eng-
land, the daughter of Italian exile Gabriele Ros-
setti and Frances Polidori Rossetti.

1862:Christina Rossetti publishes “A Birthday,”
first collected in Goblin Market and Other

1874:Robert W. Service is born on January 16 in
Preston, Lancashire, England, to Robert and
Emily (Parker) Service.

1874:Robert Frost is born in San Francisco.

1886:Emily Dickenson dies of Bright’s disease, a
kidney dysfunction, in May.

1890:“The Bustle in a House,” is published as “Af-
termath” in Emily Dickinson’s posthumous first
collection, Poems by Emily Dickinson.

1893:Wilfred Owen is born in Oswestry, Shrop-
shire, England

1894:Christina Rossetti dies of cancer in January.

1902:Langston Hughes is born in Joplin, Missouri,
to James Nathaniel and Carrie Mercer Langston

1904:Pablo Neruda is born Ricardo Eliezer Nef-
tali Reyes y Basoalto on July 12 in the agricul-
tural region of Parral, Chile.

1905:Stanley Kunitz is born in Worcester, Mass-
achusetts, the youngest of three children of

Russian-Jewish parents. His father commits sui-
cide six weeks before Kunitz is born.
1907:Robert W. Service writes “The Cremation of
Sam McGee” while working as a bank teller in
the Yukon Territory.
1907:W. H. Auden is born on February 21 in York,
1913:Muriel Rukeyser is born in New York.
1916:Robert Frost publishes “Out, Out—.”
1918:Wilfred Owen is killed in battle a week be-
fore the armistice that ends World War I.
1920:English poet Siegfried Sassoon publishes
much of Wilfred Owen’s work in a volume ti-
tled Poems.
1920:Howard Nemerov is born in New York City.
1921:Langston Hughes publishes his first poem,
“The Negro Speaks of Rivers.”
1923:Naomi Long Madgett is born on July 5 in
Norfolk, Virginia.
1923:Alan Dugan is born on February 12 in Brook-
lyn, New York.
1924:Robert Frost wins the first of his four Pulitzer
1924: Pablo Neruda publishes “Tonight I Can
1930:Bruce Dawe is born in Geelong, Victoria,

Volume 10 xv

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