xx Poetry for Students
Aviya Kushner:Aviya Kushner is the Con-
tributing Editor in Poetry at BarnesandNoble.com
and the Poetry Editor ofNeworld Magazine. She is
a graduate of the acclaimed creative writing pro-
gram in poetry at Boston University, where she re-
ceived the Fitzgerald Award in Translation. Her
writing on poetry has appeared inHarvard Review
andThe Boston Phoenix, and she has served as Po-
etry Coordinator for AGNI Magazine. She has
given readings of her own work throughout the
United States, and she teaches at Massachusetts
Communications College in Boston. Original es-
says on Funeral Bluesand Out, Out—.
Michael Lake:Lake holds an MA in English
and is a poet residing in California. Original essay
on The Bustle in theHouse.
Kimberly Lutz:Lutz is an instructor at New
York University and has written for a wide variety
of educational publishers. Original essays on A
BirthdayandDulce et decorum est.
Sarah Madsen-Hardy:Madsen Hardy has a
doctorate in English literature and is a freelance
writer and editor. Entry on Ballad of Orange and
Grape. Original essays on Ballad of Orange and
Grape, The Bustle in the House, and The Negro
Speaks of Rivers.
Mary Mahony: Mary Mahony earned an
M.A. in English from the University of Detroit and
a M.L.S. from Wayne State University. She is an
instructor of English at Wayne County Community
College in Detroit, Michigan. Entry on The Negro
Speaks of Rivers.
Tyrus Miller:Tyrus Miller is an assistant pro-
fessor of comparative literature and English at Yale
University, where he teaches twentieth-century lit-
erature and visual culture. He has published a book
entitled Late Modernism: Politics, Fiction, and the
Arts Between the World Wars. Original essay on
Dulce et decorum est.
Katrinka Moore:Moore teaches writing at
Long Island University in Brooklyn, New York,
and is a poet whose work appears in anthologies
and literary journals. Entry on A Birthday. Origi-
nal essay on A Birthday.
Carl Mowery:Mowery has a Ph.D. in writ-
ing and literature from Southern Illinois University,
Carbondale, IL. Original essay on The Cremation
of Sam McGee.
Daniel Moran:Moran is a secondary-school
teacher of English and American Literature. He has
contributed several entries and essays to the Gale
series Drama for Students. Entry on Out, Out—.
Original essays on Dulce et decorum estand Out,
Wendy Perkins:Perkins, an Associate Pro-
fessor of English at Prince George’s Community
College in Maryland, has published articles on sev-
eral twentieth-century authors. Entry on Funeral
Blues. Original essay on Funeral Blues.
Elisabeth Piedmont-Marton:Piedmont-Mar-
ton teaches American literature and directs the writ-
ing center at a college in Texas. Entry on The Bustle
in the House. Original essay on The Bustle in the
Dean Rader:Dean Rader is Assistant Profes-
sor of English at Texas Lutheran Univerity in
Seguin, Texas. Entry on The Hiding Place. Origi-
nal essays on Black Zodiac, The Hiding Place, and
The Negro Speaks of Rivers.
Sean K. Robisch:Robisch is an assistant pro-
fessor of ecological and American literature at Pur-
due University. Original essays on Dear Reader
and The Phoenix.
Cliff Saunders:Saunders teaches writing and
literature in the Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, area
and has published six chapbooks of poetry. Origi-
nal essay on Dear Reader.
Chris Semansky: Chris Semansky holds a
Ph.D. in English from Stony Brook University and
teaches writing and literature at Portland Commu-
nity College in Portland, Oregon. His collection of
poems Death, But at a Good Pricereceived the
Nicholas Roerich Poetry Prize for 1991 and was
published by Story Line Press and the Nicholas
Roerich Museum. Semansky’s most recent collec-
tion, Blindsided,has been published by 26 Books
of Portland, Oregon. Entry on Landscape with Trac-
tor. Original essay onLandscape with Tractor.
Erica Smith:Smith is a writer and editor.
Original essays on DriftersandHow We Heard the
Pamela Steed Hill:Pamela Steed Hill has had
poems published in over 100 journals and has been
nominated for a Pushcart Prize three times. Her first
collection, In Praise of Motels,was published in
1999 by Blair Mountain Press. She is an associate
editor for University Communications at Ohio State
University. Entries on Black Zodiac and Dear
Reader. Original essays on The Hiding Placeand
How We Heard the Name
Erika Taibl:Taibl has a master’s degree in
English writing and writes for a variety of educa-
tional publishers. Original essay on Ballad of
Orange and Grape.